Leonidhas Liti Constructor | General Construction & Construction Works Parikia Paros

21591 Visitors:
Address: Parikia
Area: Paros
Telephone: 6978393079
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P.C.: 84400
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Responsible: -
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Leonidha Liti's team, with its many years of experience and based in Parikia, Paros, undertakes construction work, renovations of exterior and interior spaces, floors, thermal facades, concrete, etc. We are consistent in every project we undertake & every construction is always well made.  Our love for work, combined with the passion, responsibility, required know-how and information for any new technology and product on the market, we guarantee a perfect technical and aesth...
21591 Visitors:

Parikia, Paros

21591 Visitors:

Leonidha Liti's team, with its many years of experience and based in Parikia, Paros, undertakes construction work, renovations of exterior and interior spaces, floors, thermal facades, concrete, etc.

We are consistent in every project we undertake & every construction is always well made.

 Our love for work, combined with the passion, responsibility, required know-how and information for any new technology and product on the market, we guarantee a perfect technical and aesthetic result, satisfying even your most special needs, having in the assets of our company a number of projects.

We use materials of excellent quality and in combination with the experience of our workshops the result is amazing.

Call us to appreciate the work & calculate the price.


Leonidhas Liti Constructor | General Construction & Construction Works Parikia Paros Construction work
Leonidhas Liti Constructor | General Construction & Construction Works Parikia Paros Building
Leonidhas Liti Constructor | General Construction & Construction Works Parikia Paros General construction
Leonidhas Liti Constructor | General Construction & Construction Works Parikia Paros Home renovations
Leonidhas Liti Constructor | General Construction & Construction Works Parikia Paros Renovation of business premises
Leonidhas Liti Constructor | General Construction & Construction Works Parikia Paros Restorations
Leonidhas Liti Constructor | General Construction & Construction Works Parikia Paros Buildings
Leonidhas Liti Constructor | General Construction & Construction Works Parikia Paros Beta
Leonidhas Liti Constructor | General Construction & Construction Works Parikia Paros Stone constructions & investments
21591 Visitors:


Telephone: 6978393079

Working Hours
